Two years ago, I self published Bliss & Blue with a whole lot of reverence to the parent-child journey toward joy in the wildness of disability, neurodivergence and mental health. Here are a few things that I have figured out since then:

  1. If it’s really time to publish your book, you’ll find a way.
    When I published Bliss & Blue, I knew I wanted to do it myself. I hired an editor and an illustrator. I bought a trade name for our publishing house. I had over 200 migraine days in 2022 and I knew I didn't have the capacity to have a full conversation let alone do the promotional work necessary for a typical publishing relationship. And, I still birthed my book. She’s here, in the world now, and I feel grateful that she’s touched a few hundred lives to date.

  2. Your dreams do not have an expiration date. Five year old me is doing a happy dance that I did it. She may have had the idea that book birthing would be much easier than it actually is and thus, should have happened a decade sooner. But ideas aren’t always based on real life. I went for my dream and risked putting my words out into the world in a very concrete way when I want ready and not a moment sooner.

  3. I'll never stop writing. To write is to heal for me and my body-mind-soul. Even if I was never published again, I would write. Whether or not you write for anyone else, if writing honors you and your life - please keep at it. As Howard Thurman once said, “Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

In 2022, Bliss & Blue debuted at #26 in the children’s book genre for social stories and friendships. You can find her here and be a small part in making this world a more inclusive and heart-centered place.

Pictures are from @heighwayphotography_ & a promo shoot we did with @femforceshoots_ in the fall of 2021 where apparently my babies (teen/tweens) still looked like babies. The last slide is 3-year old Bliss snuggling Blueberry, her very first non-imaginary friend.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

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Finding the True Self


Self Care, a poem